Citizens’ Network of Protection welcomes new board members, Kevin Brown, Nick Korzeniowski, Darlene Cannon

Citizens’ Network of Protection welcomes new board members, Kevin Brown, Nick Korzeniowski, Darlene Cannon along with numerous volunteers that have been working with us in reaching our goals include promoting racial and economic justice within the legal system, preventing government overreach and abuse in the area of law enforcement, and upholding civil rights within the community.
We see the mission work being carried out on a regular basis in educating the residents of their rights and exercising their rights and reaching the goal of putting in place the civilian police oversight board of accountability and transparency.
We are proud of the mission statement that has evolved in 2008, 2013 and the one below 2016.
The Citizens Network of Protection (CNP) shall have as its primary purpose to establish a system to provide a shield for all citizens, with particular emphasis upon citizens of Black and Latino descent, from harassment maltreatment, physical harm and other forms of police misconduct.
To accomplish these ends the CNP shall establish educational programs and prepare materials to inform all citizens of their rights under the law. Since the origin of police misconduct occurs during routine stops for traffic or similar actions by peace officers, CNP will develop and distribute educational materials that will instruct citizens on how to handle themselves when detained by law enforcement officers.
CNP shall strive unceasingly to establish an independent civilian police review board to investigate complaints of citizens against police or other law enforcement officers. CNP shall work to secure powers to recommend sanctions for any and all officers of the law who violate the rights of the citizens whom they are sworn to serve and protect. Until such a board is established CNP shall function as an advocate for citizens who complain of police misconduct and do all within its power to obtain redress of the grievances of complaining citizens.
The short-term goal of CNP is to ensure that all citizens have an advocate when police illegally or unjustly violate citizens’ rights. The long-term goal of CNP is to establish a level of trust among all citizens and law enforcement officers, so that there will be law and order in our community.