We urge Evanston residents to voice their views to their council members, Interim City Manager, and Mayor on two essential issues
The Citizens’ Network of Protection encourages Evanston residents to voice their views to their council members, Interim City Manager, and Mayor on two essential and urgent matters below:
1) The Citizens’ Network of Protection (CNP) believes that the City Manager search should restart. The City Manager position is the most critical staff position in our city that impacts the daily lives of Evanstonians. It did not include every City Council member in selecting City Manager finalists; CNP believes the process should restart. We encourage Evanston residents to immediately investigate what we believe to be a flawed selection process and voice their views to their council members, Interim City Manager, and Mayor.
2) The Citizens’ Network of Protection (CNP) does not support the appointment of former police chief Richard Eddington to serve as the City of Evanston interim police chief. Under Chief Eddington, the city settled several lawsuits regarding use of force issues – most notably the Northwestern University graduate student Lawrence Crosby case. He disguised the institute of “STOP AND FRISK” under the name of “STREET LEVEL STOP.” CNP is encouraging Evanston residents to immediately voice their views to their council members, Interim City Manager, and Mayor regarding the selection of Richard Eddington as Interim Police Chief.
CNP would like the City of Evanston to appoint an independent interim police chief until a new police chief come on board. CNP encourages the Mayor and Evanston City Council to approach Sherriff Tom Dart or the Illinois State Police for interim chief candidates. We would have independent oversight, accountability, and transparency during the interim period.